Immigration Law

We provide expert legal help in all types of immigration matters at all stages.

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Family Law

We provide legal advice on all aspects of marital breakdown from divorce to making acceptable arrangements for the children and reaching a fair division of assets.

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Employment Law

Our legal team consists of lawyers and case workers who possess many years of experience of dealing with the following types of claims . . .

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Tenancy Agreements

Tenancy Agreements A tenancy agreement is a contract between a landlord and a tenant, which may be written or verbal. ...

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Rent Arrears

Rent Arrears Falling behind with your rent payments may lead to serious consequences for a tenant, including eviction. It is ...

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Service Charges

Service Charges Tenants with long leases of flats who pay a service charge often experience problems. They frequently complain that ...

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Possession Proceedings

Possession Proceedings Possession proceedings can be initiated by the landlord seeking to regain possession of their property.  A landlord can ...

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Mortgage Repossession Proceedings

Mortgage Repossession Proceedings Your home may be repossessed if you cannot keep up with your mortgage payments. Before a mortgage ...

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