Complaints Policy

Our firm is committed to high quality legal advice and client care. The firm’s overriding objective is to address client dissatisfaction. We therefore operate a complaints handling process that seeks to ensure to:

  • know about client dissatisfaction when it does arise
  • take all reasonable steps to ensure that the dissatisfaction is addressed and resolved wherever possible
  • reassure all clients who do complain that the firm will address their concerns without delay and that it takes all complaints seriously
  • learn from experience to lessen the risk of complaints in the future.

We define a complaint as any reasonable expression of client dissatisfaction or grievance.

Complaints will be identified by the member of staff who first comes in to contact with the complaint or expression of dissatisfaction or grievance however it is expressed.

How to complain to us

At the outset of the matter all clients will be given the name of the person with overall responsibility for complaints and will also be given information about what to do if they have a problem with the service provided or any other aspects of the firm.

As soon as a complaint is received, it will be brought to the attention of the complaint manager who will carry out the following steps:

  • The complaint will be acknowledged and the client notified of when they will receive a substantive response which should be within two weeks of when the complaint was first received.
  • The complainant will be informed of the person to whom they should take matters if they remain dissatisfied at any stage.
  • Options for redress and for correcting any underlying problem or unsatisfactory procedures will be provided.
  • Identify the cause of the complaint and the reason for the grievance
  • Discuss the case and the complaint with the relevant case worker
  • If not already in writing, obtain a detailed written version of the complaint from the complainant.
  • Decide what action needs to be taken to prevent the complaint happening again
  • Decide what action needs to be taken to satisfy the complainant.

The complaints manager will consider any complaint received in as objective a manner as possible and seek to resolve the dissatisfaction. In particular he will offer to meet with the complainant when possible and suggest appropriate redress.

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the service you have received or about the bill, contact Olabanji Ogundero, who is the Compliance Officer for Legal Practice (COLP) in our firm, on 02085944469, by email on or by post to Chris Alexander Solicitors, Roding House, First Floor, Suite 16, 2 Cambridge Road, Barking IG11 8NL. We have 8 weeks to consider your complaint. If we have not resolved it within this time, you may complain to the Legal Ombudsman.

When to complain to the Legal Ombudsman

The Legal Ombudsman can help you if you are not happy with our work or service and you are not satisfied with our handling of your complaint.

The Legal Ombudsman deals with poor service, such as delayed or unclear communication or problems with your bill or loss of documents.

A complaint will need to be brought within six months of receiving a final written response from us or within six years of the act or omission about which you are complaining or if it is longer than six years within three years of when you should reasonably have been aware of it.

You can contact the Legal Ombudsman by:

  • Post at Legal Ombudsman, P.O. Box 6167, Slough SL1 0EH
  • Telephone number 0300 555 0333
  • Visiting their website on
  • Email at

When and How to complain to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA)

As solicitors, we must follow the code of conduct and must not engage in dishonesty, fraud or discrimination. If you have complained to us about any of these issues mentioned or our behaviour and are not satisfied with our response, you can contact the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).

Should you wish to report a solicitor to the SRA, you will need to visit their website at and complete a report form. You will need to set out your concerns clearly, identify the individuals you consider responsible and also attach any supportive evidence.

The form can be sent by email to the SRA Report Team at or by post to the Solicitors Regulation Authority, The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham B1 1RN.